Tuesday, August 9, 2011

FB post: Bible contradicts itself?

In response to a Facebook chain in reference to St. Paul saying "I, not God, say this" So, inspired or uninspired?
kind of like when St. Paul said that the Cretan who said "all Cretans are liars" was true.
My response:
Often the Bible has apparent "contradictions" like this one, especially between OT and NT, but that is because God is a trinity not a duality, and where two may appear to "collide" a third dimension solves these readily, (like when Jesus was forced an either/or in the example of paying taxes to Caesar and showed a third way.) kind of like the way God gave us 2 eyes to see 3D...
So in short yes, Every word from St. Paul was inspired by God...including the ones that said he wasn't.

--(about the actual passage 1 Cor. 7:12-14 The "Christian alternative" to divorcing&remarrying is what St. Paul is clarifying from Separation: that not having to live with spouse is different from divorcing and that even if you were divorced against your will, you should still remain unmarried. Hence no one can "force" you to break your oath to God.) It seems impossible to be celibate or chaste these days, but Jesus promised us that "what is impossible for man is possible for God" Amen.