Tuesday, February 24, 2009

something i noticed in the book of John

I was browsing through the book of John yesterday when I noticed that he mentions water or some activity pertaining to water in almost every chapter...I was curious if this meant something...
1. John the baptist baptizing with water
2.water into wine at cana--Christ's first "sign"
3.Jesus' disciples start baptizing, and mentions rebirth/Holy Spirit to Nicodemus
4.Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman
5. Healing pool, Jesus heals the lame man
6. crosses the Galilee/walks on water
7. Jesus says he is the "living water"
8.NONE though he preaches and says he is the IAM
9.Jesus heals the blind man with his spit
10. goes back to John the Baptist at the Jordan--he says he is the good shepherd, says "I and the father are one"
11. Jesus WEPT
12.Not Really--but mary anoints jesus feet with perfume--jesus triumphal entry
13.Jesus washes the disciples' feet
14. No but there is no change of scene--he is still talking about "way truth life" and promises Holy Spirit
15.No but he is still talking about being the "true vine"
16.No but he says "you will WEEP but your sorrow will turn to joy as a woman in labor..." repeat of birthing--blood and water and tears...
17. No He is praying to the Father...
18.Not really but he speaks of "drinking the cup" (hmmm....no mention of pilate washing his hands or jesus being spat upon...)
19.Jesus drinks sour wine, and when pierced bursts blood and Water...
20. The woman weeps in the garden, but Jesus promises his Holy Spirit...
21. Jesus appears to the disciples on the shore and gives them breakfast
hmmm...I am looking for patterns, is that too mathematical an approach for theology? I am sure it is primitive but I was just curious since John seems to emphasize the acts of water with importance, though of course the other gospels mention them as well.