Tuesday, January 11, 2011

entry: 2nd snow day from 2nd snow

It's been the second snow day for schools, so I am at home dreading school. Breaks are fun only after you started school and my college hasn't started yet. I guess this should be a sign of some sort...Maybe that G-d can change all plans of men? Yesterday I went sledding with the neighbors who in the history of my 13 years in Alabama I've never met...Everyone of every age group and social profession was laughing and encouraging and cheering for each other--I guess this is why Alabama loves football. Anyway, today we took a walk with our neighbors in the forest and observed and did bird calls--"pishing" for birds to come near.

I've been memorizing my favorite hymns and psalms:
currently: Be Still My Soul--3 verses
reciting psalm 28 "To You, O Lord, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me"
My only creative accomplishments so far have been doodling on the piano with my younger sister who taught me, and sketching the ears of my family members.(I'm getting good!) Besides that it's quite dreary with the weather at times and everyone is lazying about.