Friday, July 3, 2009

cliff notes visited

yesterday, I spent most of the morning reading Cliff's Notes on Hamlet and All The King's Men, just to see if what I had interpreted was standard stuff. I enjoyed reading what other people thought, though of course this was only enjoyable because I read and re-read and thought and re-thought much upon the subject before. (yes, I know you should never use a preposition to end a sentence with.) I was interested to know that there was a Neo-Freudian interpretation in Hamlet, (popularized in the 1940s) because, as they pointed out, wouldn't you be mad at the guy who killed your dad and married your mom because you wanted to? If not, you obviously have not been enlightened by Freud who would have freed your repressed psyche (or sorry, id). Anyway, I don't see how reading Cliff's Notes before the book helps much, because theories and interpretations can be boring.
However, I confess I continue to be so fascinated analysing, that even I get tired of thought-dissecting. Let art be art! (if only we knew what it was.)