Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Monday

Happy Easter everyone!
I am glum for all my schoolwork that I have to do...there is no rest for the wicked!
I got to skip out of my Good Friday class and go to the Stations of the Cross and the Good Friday service as well as a glorious candlelit midnight mass at our local Catholic church.
It was so wonderful; I fear that I am starved for liturgy--or Christianity for that matter!
My only regret is that I didn't get to go to the Maundy Thursday service or the all-night vigil...we tried, but got booted out after 5 minutes... I ponder converting to Catholicism, except that
1. I think it would be cowardly if all I wanted was security and comfort vs. religious conviction and theology
2. I dislike unstable converts with sharp eyes who have "seen the light" and instinctively know everything (i.e. about the world, G-d, and people) e.g. former Southern Baptists-to-Anglocatholicism, former Southern Baptists-to-Presbyterianism, former nominal Catholics-to-Southern Baptistsism, former nominal Catholics-to-Presbyterianism, former hippies-to-"devout" Catholicism, former hippies-to-"evangelical" protestantism--I think I just offended almost everyone I know! Disclaimer: this is not true for everybody, it is only commonly found in the above people that I have noticed. And I do think G-d has a place and purpose for everyone...despite my grievances.
3. I suspect happiness will not be what I think I want, and following our own happiness only will lead us only into more trouble unless that is where G-d wants us...
OK, well, I gotta go.