Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trinity teaches us Holy fear (beta version)

"O Lord you have searched me and known me!

You know when I sit and when I rise
You discern my thoughts from afar."
--psalm 139

+The time in between sitting and rising is when we think much alone, speak much to others, when we eat, when we are transported in travel, use the toilet, study, read, play an instrument, or work at a desk job. This most of the modern person's life--especially the thought life. This is very important to G-d, and how we serve Him.

+G-d is eternal and already has known us--when we shall die and where we shall go. We may become afraid at this, fearing hell, but this is only from one view of the trinity, and we interact with all three persons of Faith, Hope, and Love.
(or you can say that we only interact with the Spirit, and are seeing the Father's wrath, but are saved by the Son.)

Whichever way you apply the trinity, be aware that at least you see a good&bad description from one viewpoint, because that is its relations to the other two. You do not want a duality (anger-bad, happy-good) because G-d is not like this. To illustrate my point of a good contradiction,
1.We should never be afraid G-d will hate us when we are lost because we don't know G-d; 2.only when we "know better" should we be afraid of "God's wrath", because we know His love so well that we know it is not something to lose.
But... 1. if we are lost we should be fearful 2. if we are found we need not be. hmm.
OK so should we be afraid of G-d or not?
+ and how can you fear G-d if you don't know Him or His power?
+ and how can you know G-d unless you fear Him?
From a devil's advocate perspective, God can only "hate" those He loves; the wicked are like chaff and shadow with no substance, so shouldn't we desire his wrath and jealousy, so that we know we exist? (many women test their husband's love by trying to arouse his jealousy) So anyway, as you can see, I am running into contradictions already--which is good, because contradictions are a problem in dualities NOT in trinities. (no, I do not embrace all contradictions as being true; first let me tell you about the three-legged stool analogy)

+ first of all, what is a trinity? Three-legged stool analogy
I learned in an Episcopal church catechism class about a "three-legged stool" being similar to applying the trinity in the Church--each leg is unique yet dependent to function. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is similar to Tradition (father), Reason (son), Emotion (spirit) used to hold up the Church by Liturgy (tradition), Scripture (reason), Songs&prayer (emotion). However they need not be in that order--relationship is KEY. (I'll explain more later--problem with trinities is that they INVOLVE the reader, so you have to kind of "jump in" rather than go step-by-step)

Holy Fear (past, present, and future)
+If G-d is eternal, than when we embrace Him, we embrace completion of heaven and rebirth without fear (when we are wrongly afraid) because it is wrong to fear G-d's judgment when it keeps us from Him and not repentance. The fear that leads to repentance is right, but sometimes we have false fear which keeps us from embracing and trusting G-d's full personhood (trinity).
+When we are fearful of G-d but not drawn to Him, then we must repent of this unholy fear, and false fear.
1. ask for grace (spirit)
2.choose to love (son)
3.believe in His Truth (father)[in this case the father and son seem interchangeable to me]
+Embrace the Holy Fear by completing your relationship to the Holy Trinity: Faith, Hope, and Love--these three abide.
1. If you know God than you will love Him. --ask for knowledge.
2. If you love God than you will obey Him. --ask for love.
3. In asking you have obeyed.
Now switch around any of those. Obey, Know, Love. You can obey first, know first, love first--they all lead to each other. Now you are involved in repentance. Now you are involved in knowing that you chose G-d, that G-d has chosen you, and that in being drawn to G-d, He is being drawn to you and vice versa.

Flee from evil! Refuse guilt--accept repentance!
+Often we have unholy fear when we sin, and keep much guilt because we do not turn to Him, but when we obey we are not so afraid because we embrace His loving arms around us.